There are plenty of reasons to learn to hunt. The most ancient and trendiest modern reason for hunting are actually the same: it’s a great way to secure lean, free-range meat for yourself and your family. Wild game meat reduces your reliance on the commercial food chain and helps you know exactly what you’re eating […]
Black Bear Shot Placement – Tips and Techniques
After all the work to get within shooting distance of a big bear, you need confidence in your ability to make a great shot. Bears are big, tough animals that are unforgiving when hit badly. Many new bear hunters use shot placement and strategy derived from experience in deer hunting, but bear anatomy is slightly […]
A Guide to Deer Hunting in Texas 2023
Season Dates (2023): The Texas archery season is from October 2 to November 5 for all but two counties. The muzzle-loader season runs from January 3 to 16 for 90 of 254 counties. In the North Zone, the general season runs from November 6 to January 2, and in the South Zone, it runs from […]
How To Hunt Turkey Quick Tips, Tricks & Tactics for Success
Think of this as your ultimate spring turkey hunting guide. We’ve compiled pages of tips and advice explaining the basics, and then spiced it all up with numerous links to in-depth videos and articles that’ll benefit first-time hunters and Grand Slam holders alike. The end goal is simple: to teach you how to hunt turkeys […]